Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Pics will be added to these posts this weekend
Please come back:)

Blog update 3


What's been so epic about march?

Well I finally visited the final state in the USA
Seriously! All 50 plus most territories and even better I've done an adventure of some sort (usually a hike) in each!

What made all this happen?
Well the gracious Cyrankiewicz's brought me with them to Hawaii for a big family vacation!

It has been part family vaca, part honeymoon with my love, part happy happy birthday and part ugly flying mess because of misinformation from the airline

(Samson and I flew 20 hours out of 48 just to get to Hawaii! Seriously and we were already there and 2 days later back again. This mistake cost the airlines tens of thousands of dollars and they have since made sure to ensure my happiness)
Running tally $90,000
I wish I saw any of that but sadly the lottery is not in my favor

Back to the happy stuff...

Two weeks went by far too fast 
But can honestly say I had the greatest time bonding and adventuring with the big C crew.
Thanks so much to Mr. & Mrs C 
For making all this happen for such a special time with my wife and family.

Here are some of my favorite pics from Hawaii to follow...


Blog update part 2

And we have walked 6 miles almost everyday on our home beach :)

This kind of ended February for me 
Kayaking, hiking, traveling, oh and I finished our dining table and bench :)
That I hand built myself 
(Don't give me to much credit it's just a first)

And got a little green thumb
Planting bushes and trees and flowers around the house for all to come and enjoy
Except seemingly mostly all the deer...


Blog update

A little update with some awesome photos... It's like a picture book into my life minus all the boring crap :p

So in February I got to drive up and see my wife for Valentine's Day.
We had a great two day celebration
She dressed up beautifully in a dress and made me dinner even after a long hard days work.
I am so proud of all she has accomplished in her life and that her job is so rewarding for her as I often get to hear about the lives she's changing.

We then spent the real valentines scarfing down burgers at red robin because we love it there 

Sadly soon after I had to get a hustle back down to the USA and helped instruct a few pool sessions and did a wicked island paddle off the oregon coast towing behind me a awesome disabled veteran that I've worked closely with frequently. This is of course all thanks to Andrew And all his grandiose help in everything from pool sessions to towing to building a trailer to assisting me getting recently donated boats to my house and making my garage the happiest it's Been yet.

A few days later Samson took me on a remembrance hike to drift creek falls which is a great close by hike to the casa and certainly one of my favorites.maybe not his